Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nail Polish Obsessions

Ok, so anyone that knows me knows that I HATE not having my nails painted.  Usually a really dark red color, sometimes I spice it up with dark purple or even lately dark brown! {I know... whoa...}.  My friends this weekend even joked about in college how I would paint my nails right before we left to hit the town {Aggieville being the town}, well things haven't changed!  Because of this obsession with always having my nails painted {not to mention not wanting to pay a lady to do it for me once a week} I have found the BEST nail polish for a busy lady on the run like me.  Now don't get me wrong, sometimes I love sitting down and giving myself a good old fashioned mani/pedi. However, when I don't have time for that I use....... THIS....

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color in Cinna-snap.  I really like 2 things about this... it dries REALLY fast {FYI I painted my nails right before starting this post and they are basically dry... and I'm a fast typer.}. Second thing I like about it, IT'S DARK RED!  Most "fast" drying nail colors were obviously made for a 5 year old girl with no patience, aka bright pink, neon green... you get my drift, well I'm a 26 year old girl with no patience.  This is really the only color they make that doesn't fit under 5 year old category.  Complaint number 2: It chips in no less then 24 hours.  But, who cares? It's my in between real nail polish manicure which is usually just a few days anyway!

I mentioned before I am going to Las Vegas for work on Sunday night, I am toying around with the idea of doing something I saw on a CUTE girl working at Kate Spade.  I drilled her the whole time I was checking out on how to do it.  It was a medium purple color on all nails with gold/pinkish glitter only on the pointer and pinky finger {some how she had a very light even glitter coat}.  We shall see if I have the guts to leave with this or if I stash a bottle of Cinna-snap so I can change my mind mid-flight....

Stay tuned!


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